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Posted: June 27, 2012

Deer aggression complaints begin

City of Cranbrook urging care and caution

City of Cranbrook residents continue to be urged to use both common sense and caution, as the 2012 fawning season begins to wind down.

“Late May through the end of June is normally the time does give birth to their fawns. Fawns born early in the season are now becoming more active and does are being much more wary of their surroundings and are alert for potential threats,” said Mayor Wayne Stetski. “Please don’t approach deer or their fawns. Give the deer plenty of space to move or to leave the area; don’t walk closer, choose another route. Be sure to walk your dog on a leash and be ready to let go if a deer attacks.”

Chris Zettel, Corporate Communications Officer for the City of Cranbrook adds, “We are starting to get complaints of deer aggression from our residents. In 2011, about 90 percent of the aggression complaints the city received came from people out walking their dogs. It is too early to tell if we’ll see the same results for 2012. We are just asking you to please be careful and to report any deer aggression.”

The city and the provincial Conservation Officer Service each keep track of these instances of aggression. To report an incident to the Conservation Officer Service, please call 1-877-952-7277. To report an incident to the City of Cranbrook, please call 250-426-4211 or email [email protected].

The City of Cranbrook has an information brochure, ‘Living with Urban Deer,’ which is available for pick up at city hall or by downloading a copy from the city’s website – You can also visit East Kootenay Wildlife Aware on Facebook for information about living with deer and other urban wildlife. East Kootenay Wildlife Aware is an educational program sponsored by the City of Cranbrook, City of Kimberley, the Columbia Basin Trust, the BC Conservation Foundation and Vast Resources.

City of Cranbrook

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