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Draft Toby Benches OCP unveiled
Almost exactly one year ago, the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) started working on an Official Community Plan (OCP) planning process for the Toby Benches area. The draft OCP is now available for review and comment.
“We have been working with residents and other stakeholders every step of the way and are excited to be at this point in the process,” said RDEK planner Kris Belanger.
The draft OCP and map schedules are posted on the RDEK’s website and an Open House planned for mid-January will provide more information to the community.
“At the Open House we will review the draft OCP and will be encouraging comments and questions,” Belanger said.
The Open House will be held Wednesday, January 13, at the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce from 7 to 9 p.m. and staff will do a brief presentation at 7:30 p.m.
“If people are not able to attend the Open House, or if they would like additional time to review the draft before making comment, we have a public comment period running until February 1,” added Belanger. Comments will be reviewed by the RDEK and will help inform revisions to the draft OCP.
An OCP is a long-term strategic planning document that reflects the community’s vision for the future while providing a policy framework to promote greater certainty in land use decision making by the regional district board.
More information about the Toby Benches Official Community Plan process can be found on the RDEK’s website at www.rdek.bc.ca.