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Home » Elkford’s longest tenured firefighters honoured

Posted: April 9, 2021

Elkford’s longest tenured firefighters honoured

On April 7, the Province of B.C. and the District of Elkford proudly honoured two of our longest serving firefighters in the district: Elkford’s Assistant Chief, Bruce White, with 35 years of service, and Captain Elov Simmons, with 25 years of service.

Elkford’s Mayor Dean McKerracher and district representatives were joined by Kootenay East MLA Tom Shypitka to present Assistant Chief White and Captain Simmons with their respective British Columbia Long Services awards.

Because COVID-19 prevented us from holding a public ceremony, we ask that you please join us in showing your appreciation for these firefighters and their outstanding years of service.

On behalf of the Mayor, council and staff at the District of Elkford, we thank you both for your dedication to keeping our community safe!

Lead image: From left to right: District of Elkford’s Chief Administrative Officer, Tyler Madsen; Fire Chief, Corey Kortmeyer; LA Simmons; Captain Elov Simmons; Assistant Chief, Bruce White; Deputy Fire Chief, Curtis Nyuli; Councillor Len Gostick; Mayor Dean McKerracher and MLA for Kootenay East, Tom Shypitka. District of Elkford photo

District of Elkford

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