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Evacuation alert lifted at Dutch Creek
The Evacuation Alert that has been in place (issued on June 22) for the Hoodoo Resort Campground and a few neighbouring properties has been lifted. In addition, the State of Local Emergency that had been declared for that same area will expire at midnight tonight (July 4) and will not be extended.
“We are continuing to do debris management on Fairmont Creek and Cold Spring Creek, so the Declaration of a State of Local Emergency remains in place for that area as we expect the work will take at least another week or two. Having the declaration in place allows us to complete the work / debris removal and secure any additional required resources. We are continuing to monitor all three waterways,” explained Loree Duczek, Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) information officer.

At Wasa, the water levels continue their slow decline, at about one inch every 24 hours.
The RDEK removed the automatic sandbaggers and a pallet of empty sandbags from the community hall parking lot today; however, they have 4,000 filled bags stacked and ready in the event they are required.
The ‘No Boating’ request on Wasa has been lifted and officials have posted a voluntary ‘no wake’ zone on the south end of the lake in the following areas:
· East Side: 200 meters north of the Cedar Road boat launch.
· West Side: North end of Larch Road where it meets Wasa Lake Park. 250 meters north of Lodgepole Road.
As the water is still high at Cedar Road, the RDEK is requesting people not use the Cedar Road launch and choose an alternate launch at this time.
Lead photo: Dutch Creek overflows its banks June 20. Carrie Schafer/Through My Eyes Photography