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Home » Family loses everything in fire

Posted: April 27, 2014

Family loses everything in fire

SparwoodFire2A fund has been established to aid a single mother with two teenaged girls who lost everything in a house fire in Sparwood Friday, April 25.

The fire was caused by an electrical malfunction with the stove; and the whole house went up in minutes, while the oldest daughter was home with her boyfriend and a friend.

SparwoodFire3“Luckily they went outside for a moment right before the house went up. Becca went back in when she saw the smoke and thankfully made it back out! She was in the hospital with smoke inhalation but will be okay,” reported her Aunt Sherry Barron.

“They have lost everything except the clothes on their backs! Sadly they also do not have insurance,” she told e-KNOW.

In order to try and help the family a fund raising page has been established. And donations can also we dropped off at The Causeway in Sparwood.

“We are so grateful to everyone who has taken time to support Nadine and the girls whether it is with items, money, prayers or even the ones who just came by with a hug! Every single thing has made the world of a difference to them! We cannot say thank you enough!” Barron said.

FYI: The girls’ sizes: Shoes – 8.5-10; Pants – 26/27 (4); Shirts small to medium.


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