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Posted: November 19, 2013

Fernie Council Connection

cofThe following is a roundup of what occurred at the Nov. 12 City of Fernie Council meeting.


1.1 Development Variance Permit No. DVPA-333 for 1091- 10th Avenue (Scott Stratton) proposes to vary the minimum front yard setback from 7.5m to 5.85m along a portion of the west property line only for a 3.06m x 8.53m attached garage with a second storey sundeck. Council will consider issuance of the permit at the regular meeting on November 25.

grizdayst1.2  2014-16 Griz Days Partnering Agreement with the Fernie Chamber of Commerce.  Council directed staff to post notice of its intention to provide assistance to the Chamber of Commerce under a three-year partnering agreement for the provision of hosting the Griz Days Festivals for the annual sum of $15,000. 2013-11-04 Report to Council | DRAFT Partnering Agreement

FernieKodiakLounge1.3  The Kodiak Lounge Ltd. (892-6th Avenue) Application to Change Hours of Sale.  Council supported the Kodiak Lounge’s application to the Liquor Control and Licencing Branch to change their hours of liquor sales from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. to 11 a.m. until 12 a.m. 2013-11-04 Staff Report | LCLB Application

1.4  Partnering Agreement with Resorts of the Canadian Rockies – Fernie Alpine Resort (FAR) – New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display. Council directed staff to post notice of its intention to provide assistance to FAR under a partnering agreement for the provision of a New Year’s Eve fireworks display and provide payment of $1,000. 2013-11-06 Report to Council | Partnering Agreement

1.5  Amendment to the Partnering Agreement with Veneto Place Properties. Following the review of the correspondence received from Cindy Corrigan and Ian Bradburn, and the presentation made by delegation Gayle Vallance, on behalf of Fernie Family Housing Society, council approved the draft Amendment to the Partnering Agreement to delete the requirement for repayment of 2/45 of the $338,165.80 contribution to the city upon discharge of the 10-year AHO covenant for each strata lot where it is proposed to be discharged and substitute with a requirement that upon the sale of a strata lot subject to the replacement BC Housing Covenant, the city shall be provided with a copy of the Vendor’s Statement of Adjustments in relation to such sale and shall pay to the city 50% of the net proceeds (as defined in the Amendment) resulting from such sale. 2013-11-07 Report to Council | Amending Agreement | 2013-10-09 Report to Council | Background and Summary

1.6  Phone System Replacement – Telephone Contract. Council approved the award of the Phone System Replacement RFP to Isosceles Business Systems Inc. and directed the Administration to negotiate a contract to proceed  2013-11-12 Staff Report


2.1   Bylaw No. 2228 [Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment] and Bylaw No. 2229 [Zoning Bylaw Amendment] – Matrix Planning o/b 0781609 B.C. Ltd., Inc. No. BC0781609.  Council gave first and second readings to Bylaws 2228 and 2229 and referred them to a Public Hearing.  The OCP amendment proposes to re-designate the subject property located at 95 Brickers Road (a portion of Parcel 1 (Reference Plan 7224I) of District Lot 4136, Kootenay District, Except Parts Included in Plans 4328, 5716, 6601, 7200, 7617, and 13248) from Service Commercial to Natural Open Space and revise Schedule ‘P’, Multiple Family Development Permit Area to include a portion of the subject Parcel 1; and to rezone the subject property from:·RR – Rural Residential to R1 – Single Family Residential, R3 – Medium Density Residential, and ·R4 – Multiple Family Residential (High Density) Zone and a portion of the subject Parcel 1 from CS-1 – Service Commercial to P-2 – Parks and Open Space. 2013-11-07 Report to Council


3.2  Sidewalk Patios.  What did you think of this summer’s Sidewalk Patios in the Historical Downtown area? We want to hear from you. Deadline to submit your comment is Wednesday, November 20.

3.3 Next scheduled Meetings of Council: Monday, November 25, Committee of the Whole  at 10 a.m., Regular Meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, December 16, Committee of the Whole 10 a.m. and Regular Meeting 7 p.m.

Please visit the city’s website at for information on how you can make a request or a presentation to city council, or to view previous meeting agendas and minutes.

A copy of the agenda package is available of the city website at:

City of Fernie

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