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Fernie Council Connection
The following is what transpired during the July 28 regular meeting of City of Fernie council.
1.2 Development Variance Permit Application No. 355 for Jacqueline and William Arling for the property located at 1202 – 9th Avenue to legalize the siting of the existing home vary the rear yard setback and eave projection for the construction of a garage with a residential suite on the second level with stairs and an L-shaped sundeck. Council approved the application and gave notice of their intention to consider the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-355. Staff Report, Draft Permit & Application .
1.3 Development Variance Permit Application No. 356 for Kue Young & Valerie Dorward for the property located at 10 Alpine Trail Crescent to vary the front and side yard setbacks to facilitate the construction of a detached garage. Council approved the application and gave notice of their intention to consider the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-356. Staff Report, Draft Permit & Application
2.1 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 165, Bylaw No. 2245, 2014. Following the Public Hearing (no public submissions were received), Council gave the bylaw third reading and referral to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval. The bylaw proposes to rezone the property located at 1091-4th Avenue from R1–Single Family Residential to R1SL–Single Family Residential Small Lot. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2245
2.2 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 166, Bylaw No. 2248, 2014. Following the Public Hearing (no public submissions were received), Council gave the bylaw third reading and referred it to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval. The bylaw proposes to rezone the property located at 1301 – 1st Avenue from R1–Single Family Residential to R1SL–Single Family Residential Small Lot. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2248
2.3 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 167, Bylaw No. 2249, 2014. Following the Public Hearing (no public submissions were received), Council gave the bylaw third reading and referral to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval. The bylaw proposes to rezone the property located at 1202-9th Avenue from R2–Duplex Residential to R1B– Single Detached plus Residential. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2249
2.4 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 164, Bylaw No. 2244, 2014 Council adopted the bylaw which rezoned the property at 1071 2nd Avenue from R1–Single Family Residential to R1B–Single Detached Plus Residential. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2244
2.5 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 168, Bylaw No. 2252, 2014 Council approved the application and gave first and second readings to the bylaw. The bylaw proposes to amend the Special Policy Area – CD1 Subzones Map by including the subject lands on White Tail Drive in the CD1 Zone, Sub-Area DR1 – Detached Residential One. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2522
2.6 Sewer Treatment Plant Temporary Borrowing Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw No. 2256, 2014. Council adopted the bylaw, which restored the borrowing capacity available to the City. Bylaw No. 2256
2.7 Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 2028, Amendment No. 1, Bylaw No. 2260, 2014. Council defeated the bylaw, which proposed to amend the location where mobile street vendors were permitted to operate. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2260 https://fernie.civicweb.net/FileStorage/98217B006FEB4810ADF820ADCE029468-DRAFT Mobile Street Vending Policy2.pdf
2.8 Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 2257, 2014. Council adopted the bylaw, which provides for the determination of various procedures for the conduct of local government elections and assent voting. Staff Report | Bylaw No. 2257
3.1 Fernie Brewing Request for Exemption from the Floodplain Setback Provision. Council exempted KSAP Enterprises Ltd., Inc. No. 0499041 from the application of Section 5.b. (iv) of Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 1780 requiring a 15m floodplain setback from the natural boundary of Shadow Creek to allow for the construction of an addition to the east side of the Fernie Brewing Company building located at 28 Manitou Road. Report to Council
3.2 Reversal of Property Tax Penalty – Roll No. 209 01026.000. Council approved the request to reverse the late tax payment penalty fee of $315.17 for tax roll #209 01026.000. Staff Report
3.3 Reversal of Property Tax Penalty – Roll No. 209 03048.000. Council approved the request to reverse the late tax payment penalty fee of $137.73 for tax roll #209 03048.000. Staff Report
3.4 Clean Up of Unsightly Properties Located at 701-10th Avenue, 861-11th Avenue and 1321-7th Avenue. Council authorized officers, employees or agents of the City of Fernie to enter onto the above noted properties after giving reasonable notice to the owner(s) of the properties to take the required action in regards to the removal of discarded debris and miscellaneous trash, and/or the cutting and removal of all long grasses and weeds at the expense of the owner(s), and that the city recover the costs incurred as a debt in accordance with sections 16 and 17 of the Community Charter, [SBC 2003] Ch. 26. Staff Report (701-10th Ave) | Staff Report (861-11th Ave)| Staff Report (1321-7th Ave)
3.5 Mobile Street Vending. The report from the Director of Financial and Computer Services to level the playing field for mobile vending fees was referred to the special Task Force to be established to review mobile street vendors. Staff Report
3.6 Development Cost Charges (DCCs) at Subdivision versus at Building Permit. The report from the Director of Financial and Computer Services outlined the impact to the general tax base of shifting the payment of DCCs from the time of subdivision to the time of building permit issuance. Staff Report
3.7 Temporary Change to the Fernie Hotel’s Liquor Licence. Council ratified the decision of the Director of Corporate Administration Services to support the temporary change to the Fernie Hotel’s Liquor Primary Licence #015641 to extend their licenced area to include the parking for the Porky Blue bike race event on August 2, between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. Staff Report
3.8 Fernie Trails and Ski Touring Club (Porky Blue Ride). Council granted their request to provide them with 15 tables and 140 chairs for their awards ceremony during the Porky Blue Ride event on Saturday, August 2. Request Letter
4.1 Next Regular Meeting and Committee of the Whole (COTW) scheduled for Monday, August 11, has been POSTPONED to Thursday, August 14 at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers.
The August 11, 2014 COTW has been CANCELLED. The next meeting will take place on August 25 at 10 a.m.
4.2 Next Leisure Services Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for 12 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6 in the second floor meeting room at City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue.
4.3 Informal Hearings to receive submissions from the public respecting matters contained in the following Development Variance Permit Applications will be heard during the Regular Meeting of Council on August 14 (postponed from Monday, August 11):
DVPA-355 – 1202-9th Avenue Staff Report
DVPA- 356 – 10 Alpine Trail Crescent Staff Report
4.4 James White Park – Play Field Improvements. The city is inviting bids from contractors for the remediation of the James White ball fields. Quotations clearly marked “James White Park – Play Field Improvements” will be received at the City of Fernie, City Hall, 501 3rd, Ave. Fernie, B.C. up to 4 p.m. local time, Thursday, August 7, for the construction and completion of the Project as fully described in the tender documents available on the Bid Opportunities page.
4.5 City Facility Closures – August 4. City Hall, the Fernie Aquatic Centre and the Fernie Memorial Arena will be closed on Monday, August 4 for the Statutory Holiday (BC Day).
4.6 Wapiti Music Festival is taking place between August 8-9 this year at Annex Park. Kids 12 & under and seniors 65 & older are FREE. Visit www.wapitimusicfestival.com for more information.
Click for a copy of the agenda package
City of Fernie