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Home » Gordon Terrace students first to experience Fire Safety Program

Posted: October 19, 2012

Gordon Terrace students first to experience Fire Safety Program

Students from Gordon Terrace Elementary School were the first to experience the Cranbrook Fire Services’ new Fire Safety Program aimed at children in Grade 3. Firemen Jeff Brown and Cody Swanson showed them a powerful DVD, which graphically demonstrated how quickly a home can be engulfed in flames and deadly smoke after a fire starts. They also learned about how to make their homes more fire safe by taking a walk through with their parents and looking for potential dangers like overloaded circuits, as well as the need to have an escape plan in the event of a real fire, which they should practice several times with their family members. All the children agreed that their visit to the new fire station was well worthwhile and gave them a greater appreciation of the need for fire safety in and around their homes.

Stewart Wilson

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