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Green Party’s Green in it to win it
Green Party candidate Bill Green is running in the Oct. 19 election to win the Kootenay-Columbia seat.
“The 2015 federal election campaign officially began last week, making it one of the longest in Canadian history. Here in the Kootenay-Columbia riding, our Green Party campaign has been building momentum since January. We’ve put together a very strong campaign team, established a Nelson campaign office, recruited enthusiastic volunteers, and made great progress in fundraising. We’ve been door-to-door canvassing in Fernie, Cranbrook, Salmo, Nelson and Kaslo, and attended events in Cranbrook, Kimberley, Golden, Nelson, Kaslo, Salmo, and Creston,” Green stated.
“I’ve been campaigning full-time since mid-July. I’m taking a three-month leave from my work for the Ktunaxa Nation Council and the Canadian Columbia River Inter-tribal Fisheries Commission. I’m very excited by the positive response I’m getting from talking to voters on their doorsteps and at events.”
Green said he sees campaigning as meeting constituents and learning about their concerns and needs and it shouldn’t be about spending money.
“I know that the Conservative Party is looking to out-spend all of the other parties during the official campaign period. My focus is not on how much we can spend but, instead, on how much I am able to directly connect with Kootenay-Columbia voters,” he said.
Green especially wants to convince younger voters that their votes are important and will make a difference in this election.
“I find that many young voters are motivated by the Green Party message about voting for the positive changes we need to make through federal government action,” he said. “We’re intent on addressing climate change and building a new, green economy and green jobs.”
Green welcomes questions and opportunities to meet Kootenay-Columbia residents over the coming months.
“I’ll be attending as many all candidates’ forums and events as I can, so that I can meet more of you, listen to your concerns, and answer your questions,” he said.
Lead image: Bill Green cycles in Kimberley’s JulyFest Parade last month. Ian Cobb/e-KNOW