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Invermere man arrested for assault and threats
On April 2 Columbia Valley Detachment officers attended to a domestic assault complaint in the 4000 block of Wills Road in Fairmont Hot Springs. As a result of the investigation a 46-year-old male from the Invermere area was arrested and charged with assault and uttering threats. The victim did not require medical attention.
No injuries in KNP crash
Columbia Valley Detachment officers attended to a single vehicle accident in Kootenay National Park, approximately 97 km into the park at 9:08 p.m. on April 1. A 2008 Kenworth truck driven by a 20-year-old male from Creston advised that in order to avoid colliding with a passing vehicle he moved over to the right shoulder. On hitting the soft shoulder the trailer tipped over into the ditch. There were no injuries to the driver.
Matter resolved
On April 2, Columbia Valley Detachment members attended to a complaint in regards to a rent dispute at the Bavaria Hotel in Radium Hot Springs. The matter was resolved with police assistance.
Minor injuries in Edgewater crash
At 6:06 p.m. on April 6, Columbia Valley Detachment members attended to a two vehicle accident on Hwy 95 near Edgewater. A 2001 Ford pickup was north bound when the 41-year-old driver from Radium lost control and entered into the south bound lane, colliding with a 2007 Toyota pickup. The crash resulted in minor injuries to the drivers. The driver of the Ford pickup displayed signs of being impaired. The male was taken to the Invermere and District Hospital as a precaution. A blood demand was given. Charges will be determined pending the lab results.
No disturbance located
At 10:57 p.m. on April 6, Columbia Valley Detachment members were dispatched to a disturbance or possible fight in the 1200 block of 10th Street. The complainant advised he could hear a female screaming. Patrols of the area by police failed to locate any disturbance.
Fraud alert
Citizens continue to receive business type letters in the mail with a cheque in a large amount from a number of charitable society’s names being used by those involved in the frauds. One such letter wishes you to believe that you can make a sum of money each month.
The scenario goes like this. We want to check out some local businesses and need your assistance to evaluate their services. Here is $3,890. Cash this and take $100 to purchase anything you want at the store we have indicated. Fill in the survey on the service. By the way, keep $330 for yourself as payment and if this works out we can do this on a regular bases to earn money. Then transfer $3,220 back to us via money transfer and we want you to report back on how the company doing the transfer dealt with you to ensure they are complying with all the rules and regulations. Any money the bank may be out, guess what, it comes out of your account.
Floor hockey update
Versus the high school boys the detachment is 4-0 winning the last game 4-2. One more regular season game then off to the playoffs. Pretty sure we have it in the bag this year.
Citizens on Patrol
Volunteers are needed for Radium and Invermere. Windermere and Fairmont also have a COP program and if you live in that community and wish to get involved call me at the detachment.
Judge, jury and executioner
This incident happened in my Constable days while stationed in Salmon Arm. I responded to a two vehicle accident where a driver of a car rear ended another car. Damage was very light; broken tail light and minor scratches.
The driver of the offending car that did the damage is angry and the confrontation results in him assaulting the driver of the car he hit. Assault was minor in nature. The person assaulted, gets angry and goes to the rear of the car that hit him and proceeds to smash his tail light. Lots of witnesses to the event.
I arrive, not happy at having to get out of the car to do a lengthy accident report in a down pour. Immediately, like children I hear, “He assaulted me.” The other fellow, “He busted my tail light.” It’s never a simple accident.
Damage to both vehicles is minimal. Exchange name and addresses and it’s over. The assault and mischief complaint is the time consuming part. Given their childish behavior and minimal amount of damage to both vehicles, I decided it was time to be judge, jury and executioner.
As both were from out of town, I laid the facts on them. Both can be charged with a criminal offence and given the evidence and witnesses, no problem being found guilty; time and expense to come back; expense to pay for a lawyer, yada yada yada. Or do it my way.
Both realized they were in a spot. I ask the fellow that had his tail light kicked in how much he wants to repair the damage and be on his way. Quick evaluation $80. I walk up to the fellow who did the damage and he agrees. I ask him to give me $40. He does. I give the other guy $40. He corrects me and stated it was $80. My question to him was, “Did you assault the other guy?” He admits he did. Then I fine you half the cost. Everybody happy with this?
Both agree. I insisted they shake and get on with life. Called restorative justice, or as Frank would say, “I did it my way.”
Columbia Valley RCMP Detachment