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JGMRM reminded of CRA responsibilities
Ian Cobb/e-KNOW
A Brisco resident appeared before Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality (JGMRM) council July 21 to remind them of their administrative responsibilities regarding the Jumbo/Farnham Controlled Recreation Area (CRA).
“Despite Glacier Resorts Ltd. (GRL) losing its environmental certificate and despite all construction within the CRA being suspended, GRL’s tenure in the CRA is still valid and they are still legally obligated to protect the CRA from abuse, e.g. people driving unauthorized motorized recreational vehicles within the area,” said Jim Galloway, a long-time member of Jumbo Wild.

“GRL has hardly ever been in compliance with this legal obligation since Dec. 15/2007 when they secured a license of occupation on the Farnham Glacier and surrounding area. They were supposed to install an adequate gate to keep unauthorized vehicles out of that part of the CRA but only got around to doing it in the fall of 2013, and only did do it then because environmentalists pressured the provincial government into making them do it,” Galloway told appointment Mayor Greg Deck and Coun. Nancy Hugunin, while Coun. Steve Ostrander listened on the phone.
“The gate that GRL eventually did install is far inside the CRA boundary and is totally inadequate. To make the situation even more ridiculous GRL has hardly ever kept it locked. GRL will probably tell you that they haven’t locked it because people would keep breaking it open. That is because the gate is so flimsy, it is easy to break open. If GRL doesn’t have enough money to install an adequate gate then how will they be able to build a $950 million resort? An effective gate must be installed and since you are now the administrative body governing the CRA then it is your responsibility to make sure GRL lives up to their legally binding commitment and installs a sturdy effective gate close to the CRA boundary and that they keep it locked,” Galloway stated.
“I would like to read to you an excerpt from your oath of office: “I will faithfully preform the duties of my office and will not allow any private interest to influence my conduct in public matters.”
“I sincerely urge you to live up to your oath. Acting on the suggestion made in this submission would be a good start,” Galloway concluded, handing copies of his presentation to council.
Deck told Galloway following his presentation: “We’ll ask our staff to do the appropriate research and we will see where we stand on this issue.”