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Home » Kimberley RCMP vehicles sporting new decals from CFSEU-BC

Posted: June 3, 2014

Kimberley RCMP vehicles sporting new decals from CFSEU-BC

Kimberley RCMP vehicles are sporting new decals, part of a campaign launched by the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia (CFSEU-BC) in December 2013.

While CFSEU-BC’s mandate is to target, investigate, prosecute, disrupt, and dismantle the organized crime groups and individuals that pose the highest risk to public safety due to their involvement in gang violence, CFSEU-BC has also recognized that they need to play a part in the education of the public with respect to gangs and the effects of gang violence and prevent youth and young adults from joining gangs.

Kimberley RCMP recognizes the need for education and awareness and by working together we can focus on the prevention of gang membership, rather than solely caring for the victims of gang violence and arresting gang-involved people, we can change the future of our youth and make our communities safer.

This campaign is a component of CFSEU-BC’s ongoing public outreach and education efforts to bring attention to gangs and stimulate discussion about gangs and demystify and eliminate misperceptions about gangs. Police are moving beyond an ‘enforcement-only’ mentality. Police are enhancing their traditional role as crime fighters by collaborating with public health, schools, communities, and other public- and private sector partners on primary, front-end prevention strategies.

CFSEU-BC recognizes this and that is why, amongst others, we continue to work with other police forces and detachments throughout the province.

Further information can be obtained from CFSEU-BC’s website This is a specially created web page that links to the posters and videos along with information about anti-gang research, creating resiliency in youth, Crime Stoppers, CFSEU-BC’s Community Report, as well as the B.C. government supported Youth Against Gang Violence Line – a 24/7 multilingual helpline at 1-800-680-4264, where all calls are confidential and anonymous.

Cpl. Chris Newel,

Kimberley RCMP

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