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Lake Windermere’s Shoreline Cleanup Sept. 21
By Kirsten Harma
Every September, tens of thousands of Canadians band together through the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup to fight shoreline litter, a key threat to our waterways.
This September is the 20th anniversary of the Shoreline Cleanup. Over its history, the Shoreline Cleanup has mobilized more than 500,000 individuals across Canada to help keep our rivers, lakes and oceans healthy for the communities and wildlife that depend on them.
Lake Windermere’s Shoreline Cleanup will be on Saturday, September 21. You can join the group at Kinsmen Beach, or choose a private beach to clean.
To participate, register with the Lake Windermere Ambassadors (250-341-6898). Registration will enable you to become part of the data collection effort. Data on the type and quantity of garbage picked up will be collected from across Canada and will be used to see how well we are taking care of our waterways.
In 2012, Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup participants removed 136,036 kg of litter from 3,102 km of shoreline. The top three items that were found littering our shorelines included: cigarettes/cigarette filters, food wrappers/containers and plastic bags.
Lake Windermere Ambassadors