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Home » Meadowbrook Community Association holds AGM

Posted: July 7, 2014

Meadowbrook Community Association holds AGM

The Meadowbrook Community Association recently held its second Annual General Meeting.

Thirteen members attended to review the Report of the Directors and the Financial Statements, set the membership fee, and elect the Board of Directors for 2014-15.

Bob presented John with a Certificate of Appreciation for his service.
Bob presented John with a Certificate of Appreciation for his service.

The Board’s recommendation that fee for 2014-15 remain at $10 was passed. A motion from the floor was passed raising the fee for 2015-16 to $12.

John Lyon had resigned as Treasurer after serving in that position for the past two years. Sandra had resigned as Secretary to focus more on the MCA’s Invasive Plants Initiative. The Board decided to combine these positions and Jessica Windle was elected as Secretary Treasurer.

President Bob Johnstone, Vice President Marie Kohlman and Directors Sandra Loewen, David Mayes, Margaret Mayes and Marty Musser were all re-elected.

At the AGM Bob presented John with a Certificate of Appreciation for his service. A short time later, Bob and Marie met with Jessica to orient her to the new position.

Meadowbrook Community Association

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