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Home » MLA introduces bill promoting science-based hunting regs

Posted: June 1, 2022

MLA introduces bill promoting science-based hunting regs

Kootenay East MLA Tom Shypitka today introduced the Wildlife Amendment Act, a private member’s bill that would lay the groundwork for a new independent funding model for wildlife and habitat management

“This model would be eligible to receive funding and revenue from the different levels of government, including municipal, provincial, federal, and Indigenous governments. This legislation would ensure that 100 per cent of the revenue from licences, as well as fees from hunting and other forms of land use, such as stakeholder, philanthropy, and industry usage, would all go towards funding wildlife and habitat management,” said Shypitka (pictured above).

The bill’s proposed funding model is partially distanced from the government and would ensure decisions on regulations are science-based and in the best interest of wildlife viewers, hunters, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts in British Columbia.

“This bill will be the foundational element that will allow for better data collection, mapping, and identifying of critical wildlife areas among other benefits. Such improvements, in turn, will lead to science-based decision-making to protect our wildlife and habitat for generations to come,” added Shypitka.

“Effective wildlife legislation is necessary to preserve our wildlife populations and guarantee that regulations and restrictions reflect the science, making this bill good for all British Columbians.”

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