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Home » New record set for Turkey Drive

Posted: December 9, 2015

New record set for Turkey Drive

The citizens of Cranbrook have risen to new heights of generosity and support this year setting a record with $47,600 being donated to the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Turkey Drive from over 600 individual donors.

CFES D Shift members Cody Swanson, D'Arcy Kennedy, Tom Kennelly and Jared Granville-Martin presented Little Plucker Chris Thom with $360.
CFES D Shift members Cody Swanson, D’Arcy Kennedy, Tom Kennelly and Jared Granville-Martin presented Little Plucker Chris Thom with $360.

The Turkey Drive culminated with a one day finale Thursday, December 3 that saw the chamber office flooded with celebrity pledgers working the phones to bring in support for the Salvation Army and Cranbrook Food Bank hamper programs.

“Last year we set an unprecedented record at $42,000,” said Head Turkey Jason Wheeldon. “We set what we thought was a realistic goal this year of $28,000 given the economy in the area. I am blown away with the final number and the level of support.

Just a few of the volunteers who helped break the record. Carrie Schafer/e-KNOW photos
Just a few of the volunteers who helped break the record. Carrie Schafer/e-KNOW photos

“This year’s record setting number will go a long way to taking the pressure off the Cranbrook Food Bank and the Salvation Army for December. The need is year round and if for one month the business community can come together and help then it is worthwhile,” said Wheeldon.

The Head Turkey said the success of the Chamber Turkey Drive would not be possible without the tireless efforts of his Little Pluckers.

“These are a group of well-known locals from different sectors that work their contact lists with vigour. The collective efforts of the Little Pluckers is what creates our success,” Wheeldon said.

Turkey Drive Jason Karin WarrenThe top fundraiser is recognized as Chief Turkey Winner.

This year former chamber manager Karin Penner was presented with the coveted turkey mirror trophy for her efforts in soliciting $9,890 in donations (lead image).

“While many Pluckers were bringing in hundreds of dollars at a go Karin brought in a multitude of twenty dollar donations at a time. She was absolutely remarkable,” said Wheeldon.

Cranbrook Lions Club members Curtis Bell, Jim Hong, Roger Selby and Bob Duthie presented $1,000 to the cause Dec. 3.
Cranbrook Lions Club members Curtis Bell, Jim Hong, Roger Selby and Bob Duthie presented $1,000 to the cause Dec. 3.

In a close second was Plucker Chris Thom at $9,575.

The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce organizes and facilitates the Turkey Drive ensuring that 100% of the monies donated goes to the two charities. The chamber absorbs the processing fees for credit card, debit and on line purchases in addition to staffing as their contribution to the Turkey Drive.

Salvation Army Major Kirk Green and Cranbrook Food Bank’s Gary Oviatt emotionally expressed  gratitude to the chamber, volunteers and community-at-large for digging so deep during these difficult financial times.

Cranbrook Food Bank’s Gary Oviatt and Salvation Army's Nancy Lemire and Major Kirk Green accept the proceeds from the drive during today's Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Christmas luncheon at the Heritage Inn. Ian Cobb/e-KNOW
Cranbrook Food Bank’s Gary Oviatt and Salvation Army’s Nancy Lemire and Major Kirk Green accept the proceeds from the drive during today’s Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Christmas luncheon at the Heritage Inn. Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

The extra funds raised will help enable the two organizations to deliver services throughout the year.


Students at the Aq'amnik Education Centre raised $187.63 for the Turkey Drive. What great citizens! They are pictured with Turkey Drive co-chair Warren Bedell. Photo submitted
Students at the Aq’amnik Education Centre raised $187.63 for the Turkey Drive. What great citizens! They are pictured with Turkey Drive co-chair Warren Bedell. Photo submitted
Way to go Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce!
Way to go Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce!
Save-On Foods' Len Stevenson and Richard Sproul provided $2,000 in turkeys to the cause.
Save-On Foods’ Len Stevenson and Richard Sproul provided $2,000 in turkeys to the cause.

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