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Posted: November 2, 2015

Notes from City Hall

Water Shortage Response Bylaw

CityofKim LogoThe ‘City of Kimberley Water Shortage Response Bylaw No. 2527, 2015’ will receive third reading on November 9. Involvement from the public regarding the bylaw is encouraged and welcome, please send your input via email to [email protected] or drop off your letter at City Hall, attention of the Corporate Administration Department.

Neighbours Helping Neighbours

The city asks that you lend a hand to any neighbours you might see needing help around their homes. Some residents do not have the means to get their recycling down to the appropriate bins or their yard waste to the landfill. With the winter season soon approaching, watch for neighbours that might need a little bit of extra help with snow removal.

KimArenaPublic skating

It is that time of year again! To keep up to date and for more information on the current weekly arena schedule visit the city website or call Operations at 250-427-9660. Please check the online schedules weekly to make sure that the ice time has not changed.

Free public swim

Come out and enjoy the Kimberley Aquatic Centre for free on Wednesday, November 4 from 5-6 p.m., sponsored by Shoppers Drug Mart.

Wood Burning Appliances

For those using wood burning appliances to heat their homes this fall and winter, the city asks that you familiarize yourself with our Wood Burning Appliance Emissions Control Bylaw. Please visit our website for more information.

Speed signs

Kim Speed signThe City of Kimberley is urging motorists to please obey all road speed signs, not only in your local area but all around the city. Please be extra cautious in playground zones and when you see pedestrians.

Online survey of regional consumers

An online consumer survey is being conducted by the municipalities of Kimberley and Cranbrook. The purpose of the survey is to develop a better understanding of consumer behaviour in the Cranbrook-Kimberley economic corridor. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. This information will help entrepreneurs in the region compete and inform regional business retention and expansion strategy.

Please visit to participate in the online survey. Your participation is appreciated!

City of Kimberley

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