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Posted: April 24, 2013

RCMP recognizes National Victims of Crime Awareness Week

The Kimberley/Cranbrook RCMP Detachment recognizes victims and witnesses of crime and trauma, and commends our Victim Services Personnel during the eighth annual National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, running April 21 to 27.

The theme for this year’s National Victims of Crime Awareness Week is ‘We All Have a Role.’ This theme illustrates that support to victims comes in many forms, and that many players including police, Victim Services, justice system personnel, civilian staff, volunteers, partner agencies, community members, and others, take on a role, assisting from all sides, to support victims of crime.

Acting OIC of Cranbrook/Kimberley Detachment, S/Sgt Lorne Craig said, “Victim Services has become an integral component of the policing services and we would like to thank our Kimberley/Cranbrook Victim Services and their staff for their dedication and commitment to the communities we serve and for their outstanding service to victims and witnesses of crime and trauma.”

Three victim service employees work together to assist both the Cranbrook and Kimberley detachments. Their role is well recognized as they work alongside members of the RCMP in often-traumatic circumstances. They are a valuable resource and are an integral part of community based programs

We would also like to thank our members, civilian staff and volunteers, along with all individuals and agencies in our community who assist in supporting victims of crime, and in the integral role they play in supporting victims. The work these individuals and agencies do to support victims of crime directly contributes to the RCMP’s ultimate goal of keeping our communities across B.C. safe and secure and we thank you for your dedication and commitment.

RCMP Victim Services are available in almost every RCMP detachment throughout British Columbia.

Victim Services is delivered under contract with the Ministry of Justice, Victim Services and Crime Prevention Division, and is either fully funded by the ministry or jointly funded by the ministry and local government.

All services are provided free of charge and include:

emotional support; police requested crisis response; information on the status of the police investigation and the progress of the case through the court system; information on how the criminal justice system works; assistance completing Crime Victim Assistance compensation forms; assistance completing Victim Impact Statements; referral to appropriate social, legal, financial, counseling and other needed services; and court updates and court orientation for witnesses who are required to testify.

For further information or to access victim support services, please contact our Detachment Victim Services Program at 250 417-4225. If you require additional information, please contact VictimLINK, a provincial toll free victim support line at 1-800-563-0808.

Cpl. Chris Newel/RCMP

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