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Posted: August 9, 2013

RDEK Board Highlights

Area A ALC Delegation of Authority Agreement extended

The Regional District of East Kootenay’s (RDEK) delegation agreement with the Agricultural Land Commission that allows the regional board of directors to make decisions with respect to certain types of ALR non-farm use and subdivision applications in Electoral Area A has been extended for one year to August 2014.

RDEKWasaLakeDiscretionary Grant in Aid (DGIA) Funding

The Wasa Lake Land Improvement District (WLLID) will receive $1,500 from the Electoral Area E DGIA account for water sampling at Wasa Lake.

Board supports policy changes regarding wildfire hazards

The RDEK Board of Directors August 2 threw its support behind policy changes presented by Fire Ecologist Robert Gray aimed at reducing the fire hazard risks in the wildland-urban interface. Gray’s report outlines six key recommendations including creating and managing Community Wildfire Management Zones for wildfire hazard reduction. The City of Cranbrook has drafted a resolution regarding the proposed changes that will be presented at the upcoming Union of BC Municipalities conference.

RDEKElkFloodAerial Assessment Funding requested

The RDEK has submitted a request to Emergency Management BC (EMBC) for an aerial assessment of at least 20 sites along the Elk River and its tributaries to assist with determining future actions required for flood protection. EMBC has approved the request and the flight is expected to take place within the next two weeks.

RDEKCDTrailCoal Discovery Trail

The Board has moved to decommission the Coal Discovery Trail as of January 31, 2014 and transfer the tenure for the Fernie to Hosmer portion of the Trail to the Fernie Trails Alliance. It is hoped that between now and January, another group may come forward to take over the Hosmer to Sparwood portion of the Trail. (Image from:

Next board meetings

Thursday September 5 – Committee Meetings TBA

Friday September 6 – RDEK Board Meeting 9 a.m.

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