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RDEK Notes
West Fernie Dike upgrade receives funding
The Provincial and Federal governments will be thanked for the $1.5 million Building Canada grant for the West Fernie Dike Upgrade, following a Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors’ review of their announcement of funding Feb. 3. The project will include 1,200 metres of dike and will take two to three years to complete.
Application to be submitted to General Strategic Priorities Fund
An application for funding will be submitted to the General Strategic Priorities Fund for the West Fernie Servicing & Restructure Project. A previous funding application was denied; however, since that time the RDEK has acquired additional information and the support of both the MP and MLA. $2 million in funding has already been secured for the $14.6 million project.
2012 Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund projects approved
A total of $116,194 in funding has been approved for 2012 projects through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund. The projects are as follows:
– Boulder Creek Diversion – $10,000
– Hoodoo Conservation Property Management Project – $33,500
– Dutch-Findlay Private Conservation Land Open Forest Restoration Project – $18,950
– Reintroducing the Northern Leopard Frog to the Upper Columbia Marshes (pictured above) – $15,620
– Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program – $16,000
– Strategic Invasive Plant Control-Leafy Spurge – $7,500
– Ecological Goods and Services Project – $4,000
– Lake Windermere Ambassadors—Water Quality Attainment Monitoring – $10,624
Consideration of Dry Gulch Water Petition postponed
Consideration of undertaking a second formal petition process for the proposed Dry Gulch Water System Service has been postponed for six months pending receipt of further information on a new water system proposal.
Lake Windermere Management Plan implementation
After considering the recommendations of the Management Plan and the public input that was received at three open house presentations in 2011, the board directed staff to proceed with drafting new regulations for the Lake Windermere shoreline and to further consult with the public. Specifically, the RDEK will prepare a more focused version of the environmental protection guidelines than was recommended in the management plan, as well as general regulations for the siting and size of foreshore structures. Once prepared, the draft regulations will be presented to the public and other Lake Windermere stakeholders for further input and comment. A newsletter detailing the next steps in the process will be sent to area residents in the coming weeks.
RDEK to act as sponsor for organizations not registered as charities
The Cranbrook & District Community Foundation will be advised that for grant applications to the Foundation, the RDEK will act as a sponsor for organizations that are not registered charities but will carry out charitable activities within Electoral Areas B and C.
RDEK Supports East Kootenay Homeless Coalition efforts to build homeless shelter
A General Administration grant in the amount of $130,000 in each of the years 2012 and 2013 will be directed to the East Kootenay Homeless Coalition for construction of the homeless shelter in Cranbrook.