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Sparwood Council Facts
District outlines capital highlights
The Director of Finance March 18 presented the public consultation report outlining the District of Sparwood’s financial plan for the years 2013 – 2017 to the district council.
Major operating projects planned for 2013 include update of the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaw and Subdivision Servicing Bylaw, and paperless council meetings through use of electronic tablets to reduce paper usage as well as costs.
Planned capital highlights for 2013 include a storage garage for the Fire Department at Fire Hall #1, modifications at Fire Hall #2, Leisure Centre energy retrofit, arena energy retrofit, asbestos abatement, servicing at Highway 3 & 43 & Aspen Drive intersections for development access with a possible tunnel under the highway, underground beautification on Highway 3 and Best Western site, continued water leak detection and repair, Red Cedar Crescent water-main looping, completion and paving at Michel Creek Road, and a new Bobcat for Public Works and Community and Facility Services.
Arena ice rates
Council received a report from the Director of Community and Facility Services in response to issues raised by Elk Valley Minor Hockey (EVMH). EVMH will be advised that the District of Sparwood will not consider changes to the booking policy for ice time usage at this time.
Coal Miner Days
Council approved payment out of the Coal Miner Days budget to cover rental of the curling rink and stage for the Coal Miner Days comedy night and fundraiser on Saturday, May 4.
Vacancy rates
Every year the Planning Department contacts the local apartment owners, seniors housing, and mobile home park managers to determine the vacancy rate in the district. The informal survey was conducted between February and March. There are only 11 out of a potential 455 units (apartments, seniors housing, and mobile home parks) available for rent resulting in an overall vacancy rate of 2.42%. Average vacancy rates for apartments and seniors housing have ranged between a low of 3.9% in 2013 to a high of 17% in 2004.
Temporary Industrial Use Permit – Whiskey Jack Resort
Council authorized sending out notices to surrounding property owners and tenants who may be affected advising them that council will, at the regular meeting on Tuesday, April 2, consider a Temporary Use Permit to allow rock crushing, material storage, asphalt plant, and transportation of raw materials offsite on a portion of the Whiskey Jack Resort Development.
1317 Whitewood Crescent
The As-Built Inspection for 1317 Whitewood Crescent was approved by council subject to installation of a spandrel panel similar to the window on the front façade, completion of parking by May 31, and completion of landscaping by November 14, 2014.
False Alarm Bylaw
The Corporate Services Department was directed to prepare a bylaw to address false alarms at residential and commercial property with the District of Sparwood. In 2012 the RCMP received 134 false alarm calls with an average time spent on each call of one hour.
Community sani-dump – 141B Aspen Drive
Staff was directed to investigate an alternate location for the sani-dump on Douglas Fir Road and obtain cost estimates to upgrade the current sani-dump site at 141B Aspen Drive.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Councillors Fraser and Wilton were authorized to attend the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention in Vancouver May 31 – June 3.
Public Relations Committee Meeting
The following recommendations from the Public Relations Committee Meeting held Tuesday, March 12, were approved by council:
– An acrylic base be included with the purchase of 50-year anniversary hearts;
– Recipients of the 50-year Anniversary gifts be contacted and provided with an option to receive their gift at a council meeting, have the Public Relations Committee visit at their home, or visit with the Mayor at the Mayor’s office;
– Funding up to $300 be approved from the Arts Council budget for BC Arts and Culture Week;
– That $2,500 be provided to the Sparwood Coal Miner Days Society for children’s events of their choosing;
– A basket containing District of Sparwood promotional items be prepared and donated to the Sparwood Coal Miner Days Society silent auction fundraiser; and
– The District of Sparwood donate promotional items consisting of one hoodie, one jacket, one lady’s hat, one man’s hat, one lady’s golf shirt, one man’s golf shirt, two coffee mugs, and two lunch kits to the Kootenay Booth promotional basket at the UBCM convention.
Bylaw 1116 cited as “Financial Plan (2012-2016) Bylaw 1095, 2012, Amendment Bylaw 1116, 2013” was adopted.
Bylaw 1117 cited as “Carbon Neutral Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw 1117, 2013” was adopted.
Earth Hour 2013
Earth Hour 2013 is March 23 – 8:30 p.m.
Take a stand. Sit in the dark. Turn off your lights for an hour and join the World Wildlife Federation and people around the world in demanding action on climate change.
Upcoming meetings (In council chambers)
– Monday, March 25, Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting HAS BEEN CANCELLED
– Tuesday, March 26, Special Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting at 7 p.m.
– Tuesday, April 2, Regular Meeting at 7 p.m. Public Budget Information
District of Sparwood