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Posted: September 2, 2014

Sparwood Council Facts

sparwoodchThe following is a breakdown as to what occurred during the August 18 District of Sparwood council meeting.

Valley Riders location change request

In August of 2013, the District of Sparwood granted a permit to the Valley Riders allowing them to use a portion of 100 Second Avenue for the purpose of developing a riding ring. Through their preliminary site preparation activities, the organization discovered that the chosen location is too wet to use in the majority of the spring and summer. Consequently, they are requesting to change locations.

The request has been deferred to the September 2 Regular Meeting to allow council time to tour the subject property.

East Kootenay Energy Diet

Council approved financial and in-kind support for the East Kootenay Energy Diet (EKED) program. The EKED program aims to help residents lower their energy bills and improve the energy efficiency of their home, through energy assessments and evaluations. This leads to implementing an energy retrofit in your homes. There will be a reduced cost to achieving the assessment available to the first 50 homes to sign up with the program.

For more information please contact Nelson Wight at the District of Sparwood at 250-425-6271 or [email protected].

Middletown Crossing and Middletown Place

sparwoodlogoCouncil has approved the name of the development area southeast of the intersection of Highways 3 and 43 as Middletown Crossing, and the road servicing these lands as Middletown Place. The name honors the history of Middletown, which was one of the historical settlements of this region demolished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It also is representative of Sparwood’s geographical location in the middle of this coal mining region.

Elk River Watershed Cleaup

Join the Elk River Alliance in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup of the Elk River Watershed on September 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. Council approved provision of maps, space at the Leisure Centre, garbage pickup, bags, supplies and snacks. This is one way to raise awareness about BC Rivers Day. For further information please contact Lee-Anne Walker at 250.423.1682 or [email protected]

2014 Capital Budget

Council approved the 2014 Capital Budget transfer of $37,000 from ‘Public Works Building Additions’ to “Public Works Mobile Equipment Repacement” budget. This transfer of funds is necessary to cover the costs of accessories delivered in 2013 for the two Bobcats that were purchased in 2013.

Parent and Tot Fun Time

Council has approved the request for funding of the Parent and Tot Fun Time Program rental fees for a four-year term from September 2014 to May of 2018. The Parent and Tot Fun Time Program has been providing a free opportunity for parents and their children ages 0 – 6 to gather, learn and interact since 2005. The program runs every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and has been very successful in the past and will now continue to provide a valuable service for our community.

Ambulance Services in Sparwood

After receiving a letter regarding ambulance services in Sparwood, a meeting will be scheduled between Council members attending the upcoming UBCM conference and BC Ambulance Services to address concerns raised in the letter.

Council members also scheduled a meeting on August 27 with local and area representatives of BC Ambulance.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Bylaw No. 1155 cited as “Zoning Bylaw No. 264, 1981, Amendment Bylaw 1155, 2014” was adopted. The District of Sparwood initiated this bylaw amendment to make minor changes to the R3-High Density Residential zone. The changes will permit the use of modular components and permit a modest increase in the allowable height within a zone.

Sparwood Golf Course

At the last Regular Meeting held
on July 21, Council heard a
presentation from the Manager of the Sparwood Golf
 Course requesting a small
quantity of fill and top soil to be
used for repairs on the driving range and tee boxes.

Council approved the request for sufficient quantities of fill and top soil to complete the tee box project and directed staff to work with the golf course for delivery and pickup of the materials.

Canada’s First National Interment Operations

Any available member of Council was authorized to attend the 100th Anniversary of Canada’s First National Interment Operations in Fernie on Friday August 22.

Grazing Land Use Permit

At the July 21 regular meeting, council approved a grazing permit to Shelley Arola for the period of September 8 – December 31, for 48 acres of district owned lands across the CPR tracks, from approximately the Recreation Centre to the Public Works building. It has become apparent that since the above resolution was passed, members of the public who access the trail are concerned about the closure during the grazing period for this fall. The resolution authorizing the grazing permit has been rescinded and the area will remain open to the public.

In consideration of the relinquishment of all rights and title to any improvements on the District owned land, staff has been authorized to purchase the fencing located on the lands for the sum of $3,000.

Lost pets

spardogContact or advertise at: Sparwood Animal Pound 250-425-7718; The Drive (radio station) 250-426-2224; e-KNOW 250-421-1668 or [email protected] (online); The Free Press; (online)
Cranbrook SPCA (dog pound) 250-426–6751. Put up posters and pictures of your lost pet

Sparwood pets are a healthy and important part of our community. We would like to encourage all pet owners to update your pet tags and information with Sparwood Animal Control so we can better serve the needs of your four legged family members.

Be Bear Smart!

It is that time of year again when bears are bulking up for hibernation and eating as much food as possible. Bears have a very keen sense of smell and garbage or other food sources can easily attract bears to your property.

Keep garbage in a secured shed or garage until pick up day. Never leave fish or meat remains outside or in your compost. Instead, put them in your freezer or a cold place until garbage day;

– Cooking oil, grease, dairy products or fruit should never be left outside or put in your compost.

– Try using lime to cut odour from your compost

– If you have fruit trees, pick the fruit as it ripens and clean up windfalls immediately. Remove any unwanted fruit trees.

– A fed bear is a dead bear – by ensuring that there are no attractants in our community the bears do not become habituated to human food sources.

Labour Day Garbage Collection

There was no garbage picked up on Labour Day Monday, September 1. Garbage that is normally picked up on the Monday will be picked up on Tuesday, September 2. Please ensure you have your garbage out by 8 a.m.

Upcoming meetings (in council chambers)

– Monday, September 2, Regular Meeting at 7 p.m.

– Tuesday, September 15, Regular Meeting at 7 p.m.

District of Sparwood

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