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Winter parking and snow removal begins
Winter parking regulations are now in effect and snow removal has started in the City of Fernie.
“We would like to remind residents to be aware of snow removal equipment working on city streets. Our crews make every effort to make streets safe and passable throughout the winter and need your cooperation. Please slow down when travelling near snow removal equipment and always observe traffic control personnel,” the city asks residents.
Snow/ice covered walkways and driveways make it difficult for people to get around, so we ask business owners to please ensure that your sidewalks are cleared and safe for pedestrians.
“We would like to remind you that every business located adjacent to a sidewalk is responsible for the removal of ice and snow from that portion of the sidewalk before 9 a.m. each day. Failure to do so could result in a fine,” the city notes on its website.
Winter parking schedule
The following alternate parking schedule will be enforced through to April 15, 2016 and vehicles are subject to towing:
NO PARKING permitted on the south or east sde of the roadways on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
NO PARKING permitted on the north or west side of the roadways on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays.
Lead image by City of Fernie