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3 facts you need to know
About maintaining B.C.’s advantage – the strongest economy in Canada
Kootenay East MLA
1. Our government delivered the most jobs in the country with over 222,000 jobs created since 2011 (96% full time). Do you think the NDP, who are against mining, who will shut down the Site C project, who will shut down LNG, and who will raise taxes are going to continue the growth enjoyed under our government? Easy answer – no.
2. In schools we are introducing coding so that our young become more digitally literate. We are ensuring that our trades programs target kids earlier in their education so that they can explore more options early. The NDP think we should treat our kids like snowflakes and make them into social justice warriors.
3. Our government has balanced the provincial budget for five straight years and are able to cut taxes by reducing MSP 50% as a first step to elimination, building on the lowest overall middle-class taxes in Canada. The NDP don’t care about balancing the books. They say they will raise taxes on everybody but they will hide it in the tax system to try and fool us all.
This message sponsored by BC Liberals, Kootenay – East