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Posted: March 28, 2023

April 4 public hearing for proposed Fairmont subdivision

A Zoom public hearing is scheduled for April 4 for two zoning amendment bylaws (No. 3208 and 3209) covering a proposed single family home subdivision on Fairmont Resort Road.

Zoning amendment applicant 1368511 BC Ltd is seeking to rezone a seven-hectare property from a higher to lower density in order to allow for a proposed 18 single-family residential lots.

A Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) planning department request for decision presented to the regional board of directors March 17 noted: “If the proposed R-1(C) lands were developed with full community servicing at the minimum parcel size permitted by the zone, up to 80 lots might be possible. (Note: The above calculations do not consider allowances for roads, infrastructure or topographical constraints. The useable site area of the land is likely much lower than the total area under application).

“The subject lands are vacant and zoned to permit multi-family development of up to 30 dwelling units per gross hectare of useable site area which, at maximum, if the entire site was considered useable, up to 133 dwelling units might be possible,” the regional report pointed out.

“The land is within the Fairmont Hot Springs development node and the proposal is compatible with the surrounding area. The proposed zoning includes an opportunity for development of secondary suites which could provide more affordable housing options. The proposal recognizes the identified hazard areas on the property and potential development limitations as determined by the Cold Spring Creek Debris Flow Hazard Assessment.”

The property owners have offered to register a covenant to prohibit development on the parcels located within the Cold Spring Creek Debris Flow Hazard Study area until after the RDEK completes the Cold Spring Creek debris flow mitigation project and subject to the owner engaging a qualified professional to determine the hazard risks post mitigation and potential safe development nodes, the report said.

The next step in the process is a Zoom webinar public hearing on Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m. Click here to register.

Bylaw No. 3208 “Regional District of East Kootenay – Fairmont Hot Springs & Columbia Lake Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2779, 2017 – Amendment Bylaw No. 11, 2023 (Fairmont / 1368511 BC Ltd)” will amend the OCP designation of part of Lot 3, District Lot 4596, Kootenay District, Plan NEP20033, from RES-MU, Resort Mixed Use to R-SF, Residential Low Density.

Bylaw No. 3209 “Regional District of East Kootenay – Upper Columbia Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 900, 1992 – Amendment Bylaw No. 390, 2023 (Fairmont / 1368511 BC Ltd)” will amend the zoning designation of part of Lot 3, District Lot 4596, Kootenay District, Plan NEP20033, from R-3, Multiple Family Residential – Medium Density Zone to R-1(C), Single Family Residential – Auxiliary Dwelling Unit Zone.

Read more about Bylaws No. 3208 and 3209 and about the proposed project.

Lead image from RDEK board agenda


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