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Home » Columbia Valley Housing Society now a registered charity

Posted: December 16, 2023

Columbia Valley Housing Society now a registered charity

The Columbia Valley Housing Society is now a registered charity in Canada.

That means that donations to the organization – founded to help find solutions to affordable long-term rental housing needs in the valley – can now be deducted from income tax.

“This is an amazing result for the housing society,” said society president Pete Bourke of the confirmation which happened back in November. “Becoming a registered charity will help accelerate the society’s work of playing a part in making more homes available for workers and families in the valley.”

The volunteer society with one employee is still developing its processes for accepting donations but is able to receive money now and issue tax receipts. Donations received will make a difference in establishing needed long-term homes in the Columbia Valley.

If interested in donating, please contact Bill Kirkpatrick, Housing Project Manager, at [email protected] or (250) 342-2844 or go here.

Over the past year the society has taken on management of a three-unit long-term rental housing building owned by the Village of Radium Hot Springs, supported Radium Hot Springs and the District of Invermere with applications to the CMHC’s Housing Accelerator Fund, and has recently been in communication with the District of Invermere and is optimistic about potentially developing a long-term rental property on land the district owns on 10th Avenue in Invermere.

The society is continuously looking for opportunities to help improve long-term housing solutions in the Columbia Valley. The society’s mission includes the clear goal of ultimately owning and managing housing that results in opportunities for living and working in the Columbia Valley.

In its year-plus of existence the society has had success with grants and contributions from local government to fund its staff member and operations but funding it always tight and contributions are greatly appreciated.

Founded in 2022 originally under the auspices of the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce, Columbia Valley Community Economic Development, Columbia Valley Tourism Marketing Society, and other local partners, the housing society is now independent of the Chamber. Its volunteer board members are made up from valley leaders in business, law, land development, and local government.

Columbia Valley Housing Society

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