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Committee struck to care for Mt Swansea recreation
A special committee consisting of users and stakeholders has been struck to address the management and needs of the Swansea Mountain Recreation Site, located near Invermere.
The Summit Trail Makers, Columbia Valley Cycling Society, the Columbia Valley Hang Gliding and Paragliding Society, Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok and Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC) have formed the Swansea Mountain Management Committee.
Mount Swansea is extremely popular with hikers, cyclists and the paragliding communities. It is well patronized by not only locals but a large number of folks from outside the valley.
The committee’s goals are:
- Ensure maintenance of the five km Swansea Mountain Forest Service Road (FSR). The committee recognizes that this FSR is not industrially active and therefor does not qualify to receive provincial funding for yearly upkeep. The committee understands that the ministry prioritizes how funds are allocated to road maintenance in the following order:
- Roads accessing communities;
- Roads serving rural residences;
- High value recreation sites;
- Other legislative requirements (e.g. deactivation and remediation).
Therefore, since the early 2000s, the Swansea Mountain FSR has been left to local stakeholders to keep in reasonable condition. It has been a struggle and very ad hoc.
The FSR provides value to our community: it allows folks to drive and park at the upper parking lot, providing a 20 minute walk to the summit view point (excellent family outing, a wonderful view for valley visitors) as well as access to several, popular cycling trails (which the mountain is known far and wide for).
The committee recognizes the need is to keep the road passable by two-wheel drive vehicles so that this great recreation resource is not lost.
- Collaborate with RSTBC to provide adequate signage for public safety and use of the FSR
- Raise funds for any identified additional recreation services on the mountain which are beyond the resource capability or mandate of RSTBC. For example, replace the old user supplied pit toilet at the summit (RSTBC maintains 2 other pit toilets at the upper and lower parking lots).
This year, the committee has agreed that the lower gate on the Swansea Mountain FSR is planned to open on May 1 and be closed on Oct. 31.
The two km gate will open and close at roughly the same time, but this will depend on seasonal road conditions.
The committee also recognizes and welcomes the continued investment in the recreation site. RSTBC is in the process of completing a $75,000 upgrade to the base parking area with anticipated completion prior to May 13, 2022.
The funding for this project has been provided by the Kootenay Rockies Tourism, Targeted Regional Tourism Destination (TRTD) funding.
Lead and above images: The committee organized a work party on November 7, 2021. Pictured are volunteers John Adsett, Sabastien, Vivian Adsett and Colin Guild doing maintenance on the road that leads from the base of the mountain to the upper parking lot. The intent of the day was to ensure that the ditches and water bars were clear of debris. Photos submitted
Swansea Mountain Management Committee