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Posted: August 13, 2019

Debris flow being assessed says Area F director

Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok

A debris flow event in Fairmont Hot Springs last weekend is being assessed, but precautionary work done to stem debris flows did what it was supposed to do, reported Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Electoral Area F Director Susan Clovechok.

“The significant rain events in Fairmont over this past weekend have caused debris flows on Cold Spring Creek and Fairmont Creek. The heads up and quick response by Fairmont Hot Springs Resort avoided a much greater issue by unblocking four culverts along Cold Spring Creek and returning the flow back to the creek. Unfortunately, some areas of resort’s golf course were affected although there were no issues with structures,” Clovechok noted on Facebook.

“The newly constructed debris flow traps on Fairmont Creek above the community did what they were supposed to and collected a significant amount of debris before it came further down Fairmont Creek into the community,” she said, adding, the cleanup and restoration of the debris traps on Cold Spring and Fairmont Creeks is being assessed.

The debris traps were put into place following major mud, water and rock slides in 2012 and 2013.


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