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Firefighters respond to structure fire in Fairmont
Members of the Fairmont Hot Springs and Windermere Fire Departments responded to a structure fire on Wilder Road in Fairmont Hot Springs this afternoon.
“When we arrived, the home was fully engulfed, and the fire was moving into the surrounding grass and trees. Our firefighters did an excellent job of stopping the flames from spreading to nearby homes and containing the fire to the one structure,” said Columbia Valley Rural Fire & Rescue Chief Jim Miller.
In total, 12 firefighters from the Fairmont and Windermere Fire Departments responded to the fire, which destroyed the home and two vehicles. The homeowners, who are residents of Fairmont, were not home at the time and have been offered Emergency Support Services.
There are no reported injuries and crews remain on scene this afternoon dealing with hot spots and ensuring things are fully extinguished.
The cause of the fire is not yet known.
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