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Home » FireSmart educational landscaping event May 28 in Windermere

Posted: May 10, 2023

FireSmart educational landscaping event May 28 in Windermere

The East Kootenay FireSmart Program will be hosting a free educational presentation at Winderberry / Edibles Acres on May 28 at 12 p.m.

“We have invited FireSmart BC Landscaping Expert, Karla Hoffman, to come speak about practical changes and choices that residents can make when dealing with their gardens and yards this year,” explains Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Interface Fire Prevention Officer Thomas Dobbin.

“She has designed, installed, and maintained landscapes – from small residential sites, to commercial, university, and municipal grounds and will offer some insight on where to start when beginning your FireSmart gardening and landscaping journey.”

The presentation will include information on which plants are fire-resistant, which plants are highly flammable, hardiness zones, mulches, water requirements and how to best maintain your yard in a way that will lower your risk when it comes to wildfire.

This event is free and open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend. There will also be Local FireSmart Representatives present with information on the East Kootenay FireSmart Program, the Neighbourhood Recognition Program, and RDEK supported chipping and clean-up events.

“This will be a fantastic opportunity to get expert advice and learn more about FireSmart,” added Dobbin.

For more information on this event or the East Kootenay FireSmart Program, visit

Regional District of East Kootenay

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