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Detachment commander promoted; bantams supported
What Happened at Invermere Council This Week?
By Carol Gordon
The regular meeting of the District of Invermere council was held on January 23 at 7 p.m. in the municipal office.
In attendance were: Mayor Gerry Taft and Councillors: Paul Denchuk, Al Miller and Justin Atterbury.
Staff present: Chris Prosser, Chief Administrative Officer; Kindry Luyendyk, Corporate Officer and Karen Cote, Director of Finance.
Gallery: Two people.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police quarterly report
Columbia Valley RCMP Detachment commander Sgt. Bob Vatamaniuck (pictured above) gave his quarterly update (October 1 – December 31, 2017) for the District of Invermere. During his November presentation to council, Sgt. Vatamaniuck mentioned that he has been promoted and will be leaving his position in the Columbia Valley to accept one in Penticton.
On Tuesday, he provided council with an update, indicating that his replacement and his departure would likely take place sometime this spring or summer.
During the discussion that followed his presentation, Sgt. Vatamaniuck said that for the man or woman who replaces him, “it is going to be a promotion. So you can plan on that individual coming and staying for longer than unfortunately my short tenure. There’s a one-year probation period, so he or she won’t be able to leave for two or three years. This will be their first command.”
He further added, “it’s a fantastic command to have, once you develop your skill set, because there are many mayor and councils and First Nations and a lot of diversity in the Columbia Valley. It’s a fantastic place to work. And it helps that there’s fantastic support not only from the mayors and councils, First Nations but from the community in general. You couldn’t ask for better.”
Third reading passed for Financial Plan Bylaw

Karen Cote, Director of Finance, provided an update report to council on the District of Invermere Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1532, 2017.
In Cote’s overview of the financial planning process for 2018-2022, she stated that it began in May of 2017 (with Staff Budget Input Sessions). October 30-31, 2017 the Committee of the Whole reviewed and discussed the financial plan for the district and made nine recommendations. That was followed by public consultations. After receipt of the 2018 Completed Assessment Roll, the Committee of the Whole met on January 16, 2018 and was presented with four tax scenarios.
This resulted in two recommendations:
“THAT the Financial Plan be amended to reflect revenue equal to an increase of approximately $50 for the average residential and commercial taxpayer understanding that this will drop the Business/Other (Class 6) tax ratio from 2.62 times the residential rate to 2.51 times the residential rate.
Since first reading of the Financial Plan on December 14, 2017, council received a presentation from a non-profit group called Cycling Without Age. It was decided that the purchase of two Trishaw bicycles would be made by the municipality with 100% raised funds and this amount ($30,000) has been included in this amendment. The other change would be in taxation revenue reflecting Option #4 as presented on January 16, 2018.”
Councillor Miller commended Cote: “Very good work on your behalf of putting this together. It’s kind of nice when you’re in council and everything is laid out accordingly for you and in good shape and you can shift where you need to so good work on that.”
Following Cote’s report and brief discussion, the District of Invermere Financial Plan Bylaw No. 1532, 2017 received second and third reading by council as amended.
Council authorized the following Special Events with provision that “the organization provides liability insurance, thereby eliminating liability from the District of Invermere.”
Columbia Valley Rockies: CV Rockies Pond Hockey Championship (January 26 – 28);
Recreation Adapted Society (RAD) – RAD Polar Plunge (February 17);
Heart of the Rockies Triathlon – Young Hearts (July 7); Heart of the Rockies (July 8).
Windermere Valley Bantams’ letter requesting a $1,200 donation to assist in the travel to Bantam Provincials was approved by council.
Columbia Basin Trust CBT letter outlining a donation made to all of the food banks within the basin.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing thank you letter.
District of Kent letter regarding cannabis sales revenue sharing.
The next District of Invermere regular meeting is Tuesday, February13 at 7 p.m.
District of Invermere council meets regularly throughout the year on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (second Tuesdays only during July, August and December and fourth Tuesday during September in 2018) at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office (914 – 8th Avenue, Invermere) unless otherwise indicated.