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Home » IBC seeks feedback on street closure idea

Posted: January 27, 2024

IBC seeks feedback on street closure idea

The Invermere Business Committee (IBC) is exploring the idea of closing a portion of 7th Avenue (main street) on Friday and Saturday this upcoming summer. And they want resident input.

The reason for the suggested closure is to add vibrancy and build on the reputation of being a place to shop, socialize, and stroll, the IBC explained.

“One idea is to create a vehicle-free, pedestrian area in downtown Invermere to allow free movement on the street on Fridays and Saturdays through July and August.”

The section being considered is 7th Avenue from 9th Street to 13th Street.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

If you or someone you know would like a paper survey, they are available at the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce.

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