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Home » Ray Brydon Park dedicated

Posted: August 22, 2018

Ray Brydon Park dedicated

Glenn Brydon honours his brother.

By Anne Jardine

The grand opening of Invermere’s new dog park was a big hairy deal!

Named in honour of local hero Ray Brydon, the park serves as a flood control feature that is designed to divert the spring overflow of Toby Creek as well as an off-leash trail for people and dogs. Dozens of people and their dogs turned out for the grand opening of the park on Tuesday, August 21.

Refreshments of cookies and lemonade, water and dog biscuits fueled the festivities.

District of Invermere Mayor Gerry Taft welcomed everyone and remembered Ray Brydon as a diligent and well-prepared councillor with a remarkable ability to understand budgets and their, sometimes, complicated implications.

Ray would have appreciated that the money to develop this park came from special funds federally allocated for flood control, and so local tax dollars were not needed. “I learned a lot from Ray, admired him a lot. It was a pleasure and a privilege to serve for six of my years on council with him,” said the mayor.

Jan Dedicates Ray’s Park.

Glenn Brydon (Ray’s brother) travelled from Sooke on Vancouver Island to attend the opening. He spoke of how proud their grandfather would have been to know of Ray’s many years of civic contribution, and of the affection the people of Invermere had towards him. Mr. Brydon observed, “Ray came by his public spirit honestly.

“Ray’s grandfather was a longtime reeve in Neepawa, Manitoba. I remember Ray always spoke of Invermere as his town – as if the town belonged to him, and as if he belonged to the town.”

Jan Brydon (Ray’s widow) thanked everyone and their dogs for coming. She read letters of greetings and best wishes from two of Ray’s sisters who could not be present for the event. Jan joined the Brydon extended family – children, grandchildren, and their dogs – to celebrate with a walking tour of the trail.
On the way, she introduced her two 14-year-old dogs, who wagged along happily, dipping in and dashing out of the creek.

“We come down every day with these two. I’m sure that’s one reason why they’re so healthy.”

Lead image: The ribbon is cut to officially open Ray Brydon Park. Photos courtesy Anne Jardine




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