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Home » Parks Canada bolstering phone service in KNP

Posted: February 22, 2021

Parks Canada bolstering phone service in KNP

Highway 93 in Kootenay National Park. e-KNOW file photo

Parks Canada’s Lake Louise Yoho Kootenay Field Unit this morning reported that new permanent emergency satellite phone services will be available to motorists on Highway 93 in Kootenay National Park.

“This will ensure that motorists are never more than 15 minutes by car from the nearest emergency telephone,” noted a Parks Canada media release.

“Visitor safety is of the utmost importance for Parks Canada. Parks Canada has provided an emergency telephone at the Kootenay Crossing Operations Centre for over 25 years. This phone will be replaced with new satellite technology and three additional satellite phones will be installed as weather conditions permit.”

When complete, emergency phones will be available at:

The satellite phones connect directly to Banff Dispatch for 24/7 emergency services. New highway signs will be installed and existing signs modified to include a SOS symbol. Mileage markers will also be installed along the highway to help the travelling public determine their precise location when reporting an emergency, Parks Canada explained.

This is a joint project made possible by Parks Canada and the B.C. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Emergency phones will improve safety for visitors to Kootenay National Park and motorists who may use this route during BC MOTI’s future planned upgrades to the Trans-Canada Highway east of Golden.

“There is no cell coverage or WiFi through most of Kootenay National Park. Visitors are reminded to plan ahead. Safety is a shared responsibility,” Parks Canada stated.

Lead image: The Kootenay River Valley in Kootenay National Park, close to the Simpson River trailhead.  e-KNOW file photos

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