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Home » Iconic landmark lost in giant blaze

Posted: November 24, 2018

Iconic landmark lost in giant blaze

The Village of Radium Hot Springs will never be the same.

Renowned wood carver Rolf Heer’s home and business at the foot of Madsen Road was yesterday razed in a major blaze. Rolf escaped the fire.

Often the bane of village officials for sundry signage and carved characters, Rolf’s world famous ‘Home of a thousand faces’ was the maker of smiles and scratcher of heads; a place where everyone wore frocks, if one wished, and the parties… epic affairs of hilarity and fun.

An often-asked question following the Nov. 23 fire: “are the goats okay?”

The goats had already been delivered to their winter home in Brisco before the fire.

A couple of funds have been established to support Rolf.

Lead image: Rolf Heer watches his home burn. Photos by James McElroy

Deepest condolences old friend.


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