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Posted: May 19, 2016

Regional students win top awards

Two students from Southeast Kootenay School District (SD5) and one from the Rocky Mountain School District (SD6) took home top awards in this year’s pan-provincial French public speaking competition, Concours d’art oratoire.

Out of 10,000 students from across British Columbia who competed, 260 made the provincial finals, and “In addition to the cultural and language benefits, Concours d’art oratoire helps students develop their creative and public speaking abilities, as well as self-confidence,” said Patti Holm, President of Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon.

“It’s an incredible feat to make it to the provincial finals – taking home a medal is a real achievement. We congratulate everyone who participated; they are all winners.  Félicitations!” added Concours d’art oratoire chief judge, Dr. Renée Hamilton-Clark.

Concours d’art oratoire is a pan-Canadian French public speaking competition – an estimated 85,000 students participate annually across Canada.

Student participants choose, develop, and present a three to five minute speech, en français. Students are free to select a subject/theme that interests them.

The provincial competition is open to all students, grades 6 through 12, who are learning French through programs such as: French Immersion, Core French, and the native Francophone School Board (SD93). For each grade there are the three categories.

The competition typically progresses through the following stages: 1) Students participate in their local classroom; 2) Top students move on to the school district competition; 3) Top students move on to the provincial competition; 4) Top students in grade 12 move on to the national competition.

This year marked the 33rd anniversary of the Canadian Parents for French BC & Yukon sponsored Concours d’art oratoire. The provincial finals were hosted Saturday, May 7 at SFU Surrey.

We thank all the local volunteers and teachers, as well as the BC Ministry of Education, Canadian Heritage, and le Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique for their financial support.

2016 Provincial finalists from Southeast Kootenay School District: Charlotte Higgins – Grade 9 Immersion – ‘Les combustibles fossiles : sont-ils vraiment le problème?’ – École Fernie Secondary School
; Kate Brennan – Grade 8 Immersion – “Le Louvre” – École Fernie Secondary School

2016 Provincial finalist from Rocky Mountain School District: Alexia Cote – Grade 6 Early Immersion – “L’Histoire de Golden” – Lady Grey Elementary, Golden.

Canadian Parents for French BC & YK Branch

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