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Home » Second Columbia Valley Garlic Festival Sept. 3

Posted: August 27, 2023

Second Columbia Valley Garlic Festival Sept. 3

Columbia Valley Food and Farm is very excited to sponsor and support the second annual Columbia Valley Garlic Festival, hosted by Edible Acres Farm and Columbia Valley Arts, on Sunday, September 3 in Windermere.

The event will include lots of music, local food, art, and all things garlic and is sure to be fun day out on the farm.

There will be an outdoor market supporting all things Columbia Valley grown and made.

The festival crew is looking for volunteers to assist with all aspects of the event. Have time to spend a few hours selling entrance tickets, directing parking, or helping with set-up and take-down? We’d love to have your support for all things Columbia Valley Made and Grown.

If you’re interested in learning more about the types of volunteer roles or are ready to sign up, please use the form here.


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