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Home » Valley physician recruitment effort gets regional funds

Posted: February 16, 2024

Valley physician recruitment effort gets regional funds

A last second plea by a Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board member Feb. 9 resulted in a larger grant going to the Columbia Valley Physician Recruitment Initiative (CVPRI).

Village of Radium Hot Springs Mayor and RDEK board member Mike Gray asked fellow Columbia Valley Services Committee members to reconsider a previously agreed upon $15,000 grant and provide $20,000 as requested by the CVPRI.

“This isn’t an organization that’s always asking for more money. They ask for more when it’s needed; right now it’s needed,” Gray said.

All five Columbia Valley directors then voted in support of providing $20,000 to the physician recruitment initiative.

See the Columbia Valley Physician Recruitment Initiative 2023 Report and 2024 Budget Request.

Lead image:Village of Radium Hot Springs Mayor and RDEK board member Mike Gray. Village of Radium Hot Springs photo


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