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Home » Valley residents invited to complete airport survey

Posted: July 6, 2023

Valley residents invited to complete airport survey

The Columbia Valley Airport Society (CVAS) has initiated the preparation of a 20-year Master Plan with HM Aero Aviation Consulting and residents are encouraged to take a short survey to help them plan for the future of the airport at Fairmont Hot Springs.

The Master Plan will guide the progressive and orderly operation and development of this key regional aviation asset.

Community engagement is an important component of the Columbia Valley Airport Master Plan. HM Aero and CVAS are collecting input from residents on their perspectives regarding the future of the airport.

This information will be analyzed by the project team and used where applicable to inform the preparation of the Master Plan’s recommendations.

Participation is voluntary and all answers will remain anonymous. The information collected will only be used by HM Aero and CVAS in the context of the Columbia Valley Airport Master Plan and associated Airport-related initiatives.

Fill out the survey here.

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