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Valley Strong video has gone viral
Just in time for Canada Day, the Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce (CVCC) invited everyone to “Check out our dance moves” with the release of the #ValleyStrong Video.
The video, which showcased almost 90 different businesses, cultural and community groups across the Columbia Valley was an instant hit and achieved over 100,000 views within the first week! (at time of press, the viewings are over 115,000.)
“Our objective was to give locals a fun community-uniting activity, after the isolation we all experienced during the spring. And to also create a unique response to the perception that we were not welcoming to our visitors,” said CVCC Board member Rhiannon Tutty (Tutty Financial-Sun Life) explained. “We are beyond thrilled that the results exceeded our expectations!”
When the CVCC volunteer team that spearheaded this project had its first meeting, only three weeks prior to launch date, Chamber Membership and Events Coordinator Pat Carrick arrived with “a song to share just how much we care” that he had written especially for the video.
The team believes that this original #ValleyStrong song was integral to the video’s success.
Pat stated his motivation was “to create a song that focused on inviting our visitors to the area but more importantly: to unite our valley with a positive message.”
The vision was to also include many of our talented valley musicians in the recording process who have also been affected by the pandemic. Participation within this project allowed them a new vehicle to share their gift.
District of Invermere Councillor Kayja Becker (United Dance) who created the choreography explained, “I wanted to make sure the dance routine had an element of fun and silliness. Everyone did so great! It’s hard not to smile when watching it.”
“I am very inspired and proud to be part of this initiative,” said CVCC Board member Kyla Lam (Aspire Professional Corporation). “It was so uplifting to see how the community rallied behind it and the positive response from our visitors.”
CVCC President Dee Conklin (Palliser Printing) declared “I could not be more proud to see how the board, the staff and the membership came together to produce such a positive and upbeat message for the Columbia Valley. Be Kind, Stay Safe and Support Local!”
The Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting local businesses and they have been focused on making sure that they represent the needs of the entire valley.
“We are incredibly grateful for the support, attention and traction this project has received. We would love to see it climb even higher in terms of views but most importantly we want the positive message to continue,” expressed Pete Bourke, CVCC Executive Director.
You can now download The Valley Strong Song by donation and check out the video at www.cvchamber.ca/valley-strong or search #ValleyStrong on social media.
To support and be a part of the work of the CVCC, contact them at 250-342-2844 or [email protected]
Columbia Valley Chamber of Commerce photo