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Posted: May 6, 2020

We need to support and be kind to each other

Letter to the Editor

The people of the Columbia Valley have been amazing over the last two months. Thank you all for being resilient, following the guidelines, helping one another and being patient. This time has been particularly hard on our small businesses, those with children at home, seniors and those on the front line every day. Thank you all!

It is becoming clear that there will be a ā€œnew normalā€ which will resemble the past, but may challenge us to change how we manage our daily lives. This will require all of us ā€“ full time residents, part time residents, and visitors to be respectful and caring of each other.

Knowing that there is a small minority of people here who are behaving uncharacteristically confrontational and unkind to others, worries us.

This valley houses a wide variety of people who have every right to be here; no one knows another personā€™s situation or circumstance, and we need to provide the space for all to manage within the protocols set out by the Provincial Health Officer, Dr Bonnie Henry.

If, in your opinion, someone isnā€™t following the guidelines, please stop and think; there is never an excuse to mistreat others through your words or actions; you donā€™t know their story. If you witness behaviour that isnā€™t in-line with the recommendations to keep everyone safe, please just lead by example and follow the recommendations yourself and above all else, BE KIND.

This weekend several golf courses opened. They have committed to following protocols which were created by their professional organization and have been shared with the local health authority.

Some of the hotels remained open to ensure that workers have a safe place to stay while continuing construction and maintenance projects. Restaurants have been open in a reduced manner throughout the pandemic. Some retail businesses are working through online sales.

Thanks again to everyone for finding a way to continue and hopefully maintain your businesses, either by staying open with new protocols designed to keep both staff and customers safe, or closing temporarily. We know that these decisions have been difficult and have had significant impact on not only your business and staff but also on your lives.

Our economy will soon start to gradually open up and we will need each other more than ever as it does. We will all get through this together, but now more than ever, we need to support each other and be kind to each other.

Thank you everyone for keeping yourselves and your neighbours healthy and safe.

The RDEK Columbia Valley Directors:

Susan Clovechok (Area F), Al Miller (Invermere), Clara Reinhardt (Radium Hot Springs), Karl Sterzer (Canal Flats), Gerry Wilkie (Area G)

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