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20-unit apartment complex hearing upcoming
City of Cranbrook council April 8 gave second reading to bylaws covering a proposed BC Housing 20-unit apartment complex, making way for a public hearing on April 29.
Council passed second readings of both City of Cranbrook Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3963, 2019 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3964, 2019 for a BC Housing proposal for the redevelopment of a property to allow for replacement of two existing four-plex buildings to a new 20-unit, four storey apartment building.
The city received an application by Cover Architecture on behalf of the Provincial Rental Housing Corp (BC Housing) to amend the OCP land use designation for property owned by BC Housing.
The proposal is to amend the OCP and Zoning designation of the property at 126 – 21st Avenue S. (behind the Little Caesars Pizza plaza) as follows:
1. OCP Amendment Bylaw #3963, 2019 – from “Medium Density Residential” to “High Density Residential” to facilitate rezoning and redevelopment.
2. Zoning Amendment Bylaw #3964, 2019 – from “Three and Four Family Residential Zone: R-2” to “High Density Multiple Family Residential Zone: R-6”.
Both proposed amendments were referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for a recommendation, along with two public hearings scheduled for Monday, April 29, at 6 p.m. at city hall.
Read more about the bylaws and proposal