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3 facts you need to know
About suicide prevention
Kootenay East MLA
1. The BC Government is donating $3 million to Canadian Mental Health to help train British Columbians to recognize the warning signs of suicide and take action to prevent it. CMHA will train up to 20,000 people with this funding.
2. Suicide does not discriminate – it affects the young and old and their families. Prevention is a shared responsibility and each of us can make a difference. Trainees will learn to be ‘gatekeepers,’ people in our communities who will learn to be suicide-alert by following the “tell ask, listen and keep safe” skill set.
3. The funding supports the Ministry of Health’s overarching strategy to create a more sustainable health system, as outlined in ‘Setting Priorities for the B.C. Health System.’ Key priorities include mental health and substance use supports and helping to ensure that British Columbians have access to the help they need at a community level.
This message funded by Bill Bennett