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31st Bazaar to showcase 33 artisans
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Cranbrook Club is pleased to say we have sold out of booth space for the 31st annual Artisan Bazaar slated for Saturday, November 7 at the Cranbrook Golf Course.
“The club selected the club house 31years ago, and are still using that space for their prestigious bazaar,” stated Cathryn Henley, Chair of the 2015 bazaar.
We again are showcasing new artisans not only from the Cranbrook and Kimberley area, but also from Fernie.
“Even our repeat artisans bring new ideas to the bazaar,” said Henley. For instance, if you have been to the upper gallery of the Key City Theatre, you will see Tara Mercer, who used to make glass necklaces and other jewelry, and who is now creating wonderful works of art with paint and other elements. “Our artisans always grow and bring us fresh, quality items every year.”
This year we have: wonderful hair accessories for children and dogs; faux fur leg warmers; water colours; oil paintings; local calendars; two talented and enterprising youngsters creating bead work and other fun needs; pottery; knitted wear; sewing; hand created kids’ clothes; purses and decorations; jewelry of all kinds; earth wear for face & body; the famous Majestic Mustard; Anna’s Stuff and Heavenly truffles (and other organic chocolate treats); Christmas wreaths and decorations; carved wood; iron work; stained and other glass works; woven and felted goods; home baked goodies; native knitted wear from slippers; boots, mitts and more; paper crafting and generally anything and everything the average person would not even think of.
We will also have on hand George Horak and Doug Mitchell who put George’s challenging life from Europe to the Americas to Cranbrook in an interesting book (pictured above).
CFUW Cranbrook Club is also brining in freshly roasted free trade, organic coffee from farm owned and worked by women in Mexico, Peru and Guatemala. There are one-pound bags as well as Christmas gift packs of three half-pound bags.
The doors, as always, open at 10 a.m. sharp and close at 4 p.m. The entry fee is a mere toonie which gives you an entry form for the 33 draws of gifts donated by the crafters in attendance. The club members also put together another huge gourmet basket worth over $250 for raffle, which you can donate towards and get a ticket on. That draw is always made at the close of the day; 4 p.m.
All proceeds go directly back into the East Kootenay community in the many projects the club supports. For more information, please go to our website: www.cfuw-cranbrook.com.
Your support of our local artisans make it possible for them to continue to give to our East Kootenay Community through their creations.
Please mark your calendars for Saturday, November 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Cranbrook Golf Clubhouse on 2nd Street South.
The Cranbrook Club has 12 members locally and is a member of CFUW National, a non-political, voluntary, self-funded, bilingual and non-governmental organization of women university graduates in 110 clubs across Canada that works to improve the status of women and girls, education, peace, justice and human rights. CFUW holds special consultative status at the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Sectoral Committee of education of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. CFUW is the largest of 61 national affiliates of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW).