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Posted: June 22, 2024

A controversial hotbed issue in the city

Letter to the Editor

Cranbrook city council doubled down on the decision to build a Daycare Facility on Gyro Park at the city council meeting on June 17.  Shame on you!

Many citizens of Cranbrook have publicly stated their displeasure and opposition, through editorials, letters, e-mails, phone calls, and now a growing petition, to the Mayor and city council. This has now become a controversial hotbed issue in the city!

After e-mailing the Mayor and city council on my concerns for Gyro Park, I received a personal follow up reply from Mayor Price thanking me and others, “for our comments and concerns” and stated “sharing information is important as we have this conversation.”

Thank you, Mayor Price for your personal and prompt reply.

My question now, to the Mayor and city council is “What conversation?” I am not aware of any public consultation that has taken place on the development of park lands and green spaces in the City of Cranbrook. I do not remember any of the council members running their election platforms with the “development of parks” as their intention in the last city election.

I was then given the link to; our-city/city-department/leisure-service/ facts-about-municipal-parks, which detailed what uses were permitted on P2 zone parks, like Gyro Park, and along with many other potential uses, daycare, is one of them. The “conversation” is not about our society’s needs for daycare, or what the city can legally do with a park; It is about the preservation of parks and green spaces in our city.

 Because “you can” does not mean that “you should.”  Find a more appropriate location!

Have a public consultation with the citizens of Cranbrook, be truthful and honest with your intentions as a council. Ask the citizens of Cranbrook about the need for parks and greenspaces in our lives, listen to the feedback. Then maybe, at the following council meeting, there will be a motion to create a bylaw, “to protect,” the limited parks and greenspaces that the city now has.

Charlie Wales,


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