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Posted: October 7, 2020

Affordable housing project being considered

City of Cranbrook council Oct. 5 approved the first two readings of bylaws covering Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Amendments for a proposed 40-unit affordable housing project.

“The City of Cranbrook has received an application from Meiklejohn Architects Inc., on behalf the Aqanttanam Housing Society, for an amendment of the City of Cranbrook OCP to enable consideration of rezoning the property, located at 2220 – 2nd Street South from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential,” a city Development Services department report explained.

“The applicants are seeking to change the zoning designation from “Low Density Multiple Family Residential Zone: R-4” to “High Density Multiple Family Residential Zone: R-6” to enable higher density residential development of the property.”

The city staff report noted Aqanttanam Housing Society indicates it has managed the existing two story, 18 townhouse unit, three building, housing development, since 2008. The society has determined the buildings which were built in 1973, are in poor operating condition and require costly repairs and upgrades for plumbing and electrical. After assessing their options, the society is proposing to redevelop the parcel for greater density housing.

“Pending the success of the proposed OCP and rezoning bylaw amendments, the Aqanttanam Housing Society intends to apply for a Development Permit and associated Development Variance for parking requirements for a new four story, housing development with approximately 40, rent-geared-to- income, affordable, dwelling units.”

Council gave second reading to City of Cranbrook Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4016, 2020, and referred it to the Advisory Planning Commission for a recommendation. Similarly, council gave first and second reading to City of Cranbrook Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4017, 2020, and referred it to the Advisory Planning Commission for a recommendation, and to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval.

As a result of these readings, a public hearing on both the proposed OCP and Zoning amendments is scheduled for Monday, October 26, at 6 p.m.


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