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Home » Alzheimer’s fundraising walk seeks teams

Posted: February 20, 2018

Alzheimer’s fundraising walk seeks teams

Nobody should walk alone – create a team for the Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s in Cranbrook!

According to a recent survey, more than 50% of the Canadians affected by dementia have felt stigmatized or discriminated against; for many, it’s a lonely disease. Cranbrook residents can help change this.

Kinsmen Park Rotary Way

Show them you stand with them by creating a team and participating in the Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s on Sunday, May 6. The Cranbrook Walk will take place at Kinsmen Park Picnic area at 10 a.m.

The Walk is a fun and family-friendly way to create a movement, while sending a message of inclusion and hope to the estimated 70,000 British Columbians currently living with dementia, and the people who care for them. The Walk will take place in 23 locations across the province.

Each Walk is dedicated to an honouree – someone who has been affected by dementia, or who has valuably contributed to the lives of people living with the disease. The Cranbrook Walk honours all caregivers. Participants are also encouraged to walk in honour or memory of someone in their lives who has faced dementia. One powerful way to do this is as a team.

“Teams are crucial to the success of the walk. They engage others to get involved, fundraise and in turn help people affected by dementia,” said Rebecca Dix, who is Cranbrook’s volunteer co-chair of the event.

The Walk aims to inspire Cranbrook residents to make sure no one walks alone on the dementia journey. To set-up a team, simply go to and follow the prompts. Need an extra incentive? Teams that raise $500 as a team by February 28 will go into a draw to win $500 worth of Amazon gift cards!

The funds raised through the event will make a world of difference to people affected by dementia in Cranbrook. They will directly fund support, education and learning opportunities so people affected by dementia can live their best lives possible. Funds will also help enable research into the causes of and the cure for the disease, so we can look to a world without dementia.

By participating in the Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s you will truly be making a difference. By creating a team, you will create a community of courage that will change the face of the disease. Join us, and make memories matter. For more information, or to register today, visit


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