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At the Library
Cranbrook Public Library
We are now fine free! Your library membership is freedom to explore, learn and connect. Late fines shouldn’t get in your way. And now they won’t!
The library’s hours are:
10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Library Takeout curbside pick-up is still available by appointment.
Masks are no longer required inside the Library, but as we gradually ease out of COVID restrictions, we welcome you to wear a mask in the library during this time. If you’d like a mask during your visit, please ask staff.
Our website has a new redesign. You can check it out here: www.cranbrookpubliclibrary.ca
We are pleased to offer free Wi-Fi all around the outside of the building.
Please note we are working very closely with the City of Cranbrook and Provincial Health officials to continue to expand our services when it is safe to do so.
All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep – Andrew Henry (305.800973)
Cheatingland – Anonymous (306.736)
Fast Burn – Ian Smith (613.25)
Natural Flava – Craig McAnuff (641.56362)
Food, Culture, Place – Loir McCarthy (641.59718)
Karitas Untitled – Kristin Marja Bladursdottir (fic)
An Impossible Promise – Jude Deveraux (fic)
Heartbroke – Chelsea Biker (fic)
The Fell – Sarah Moss (fic)
The Chase – Candice Fox (fic)
Mirror Girls – Kelly McWilliams (ya fic)
The Aquanaut – Dan Santat (j fic)