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Home » Bud’s Bench to be revealed Sept. 10

Posted: August 27, 2022

Bud’s Bench to be revealed Sept. 10

Bud Abbott

Bud’s Bench, a tribute to volunteers past, present, and future, will be revealed and dedicated in a brief ceremony at 10 a.m. on September 10, in front of the Studio Stage Door heritage building, 11-11th Avenue South.

Everyone is welcome to witness the historical event that has invited local media, dignitaries, and performers to make this a memorable occasion.

Mr. Bud Abbott set the example of what one person can do to make a community better by volunteering. With the blessing of the Abbott family, a modern art public bench, with room for at least two adults to sit beside ‘Bud,’ was designed and created by local artist Paul Reimer.

The bench is six feet in length with a galvanized grey finish and a contrasting black cast iron life-sized outline representation of Bud playing his trombone.

This interactive bench, a symbol to proudly mark the many accomplishments of volunteers, enriches the city-owned property known as the Studio Stage Door heritage building with a contemporary element, and is destined to become a popular place for photos, arouse cultural curiosity and inspire others to volunteer.

A special performance of “Bud’s Song,” written by Douglas Francis Mitchell in 2020 to honour the late Bud Abbott’s 100th birthday in January 2021, will be shared with attendees at the ceremony from the veranda of the Studio Stage Door. Mitchell will be accompanied by artists Randy Marchi, Dave Prinn and Jamie Neve.

Bud Abbott’s daughters, Becky and Louise, will be present, along with representatives from many of the project’s initiating organizations and local volunteer organizations that were touched by Bud Abbott’s generous volunteer service.

A celebration at Rotary Park will follow the ceremony at 11 a.m. with music, cake and beverages, as well as a few acknowledgements about exceptional achievements realized by our local volunteers.

The Confluentials

Performing will be The Confluentials, Cranbrook’s Christina Blaskovich and Barry Coulter, a compelling acoustic duo well known locally for bringing a 21st sensibility to Celtic Traditional and English Folk songs, and fresh takes on American folk rock.

Also performing will be Buds Friends, a musical and singing group known for bringing musical cheer to seniors and our community for many years, following the tradition set by Bud Abbott.

Douglas Francis Mitchell will also perform at Rotary Park to entertain with his repertoire of mostly original tunes including songs written for the Council of Canadians, the Ktunaxa Nation, and BiketoWorkBC.

The project’s organizing partners are: Regional District of East Kootenay, City of Cranbrook, Rotary Club of Cranbrook, Key City Theatre, Cranbrook Community Theatre Society, Cranbrook & District Arts Council, and the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce. Additional funding came from Community Foundations of the Kootenay Rockies, East Kootenay Community Credit Union and the Cranbrook Sunrise Rotary Club.

Cranbrook Community Theatre Society

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