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CFUW Cranbrook readies to host 30th Artisan Bazaar
Saturday, November 8 marks the 30th annual Christmas Craft Bazaar at the Cranbrook Golf Club on 2nd Street South.
âWe never thought 30 years ago the club would still be hosting this excellent bazaar,â said a long-time member of the Canadian Federation of University Women Cranbrook Club (CFUW). âIt used to be so much work, as we all made trays and trays of pinwheel and triple layered sandwiches, bars and cookies, and spent the day serving tea and coffee. Some of our members sold their crafts as well,â she added. âIt was the renovations of the Clubhouse about four years ago that brought an end to that service which was timely, as all of us are over 60 now,â added Cathryn Henley, Chair of the November 8 Bazaar.
As always, the funds raised from the rent of table space go towards the many ongoing projects of the CFUW.
âNow that we have met our $64,000 perpetual scholarship goal at the College of the Rockies, we have been able to expand our scope of helping the people of the East Kootenay enjoy a better life. We have increased the amount of scholarships to the Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program, and the Mount Baker Secondary School for 2015, and are looking at other areas where funds are needed by deserving female students. We also have taken on contributing to the Friends of Families through the Kootenay Child Development Centre, and a host of other educational programs throughout the region. Also, in keeping with the CFUW National Mission Statement, we are helping in the work in ending violence against children and women in Canada,â Henley reported.
The Bazaar opens at 10 a.m. and for a mere toonie, you can enjoy crafts and creations by East Kootenay artisans. We will have our annual huge gift basket draw as well as hourly door prize draws of gifts from the participating artisans. The CFUW Cranbrook Club will be selling Café Femenino again this year. If you want to order gift packs or one-pound bags before the Bazaar, please contact the CFUW at [email protected] before October 15.
Although the club has rented out some tables, we still need another 25 commitments to make this special event go! Please contact the club at the above address and check out our website: www.cfuw-cranbrook.com for more information.
We are pleased to inform artisans that the Cranbrook Golf Club has redone all the lighting, and according to a source at the Clubhouse; there is a 70% improvement over the previous lighting and electrical availability.
The deadline for reserving your table space is Friday, October 3. If you need power, those spaces are somewhat limited, so email us as soon as possible.
The CFUW Cranbrook Club meets every third Thursday. If you are interested in joining the club, you can go to our website or contact us at cfuwcranbrookclub @yahoo.ca.
The Cranbrook Club has 12 members locally and is a member of CFUW National, a non-political, voluntary, self-funded, bilingual and non-governmental organization of women university graduates in 110 clubs across Canada that works to improve the status of women and girls, education, peace, justice and human rights. CFUW holds special consultative status at the United Nations (ECOSOC) and belongs to the Sectoral Committee of education of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. CFUW is the largest of 61 national affiliates of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW).